Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Write once, debug everywhere.

Java was initially heralded as the "Write once, run anywhere" language, and with its Swing GUI library this would end all programmers frustrations of porting code. Right? Of course this myth didn't last two long as there are a lot of undocumented hacks necessary to get our programs to play nicely on different systems. I remember one hack specifically from Game Programming in Java regarding an additional method call to the event queue to properly process events on Linux.

And of course I've run into this again on Windows with QtRuby. Something in several of my examples which use Qt::Timer (QTimer) for stepping simulations and repaints work fine on Linux, but not at all on Windows. Since I use Linux exclusively this isn't a critical issue right now, but I'm going to have to look into it if I plan to distribute any of my programs on Windows.

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