Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Porting QT between C++ and Ruby

I have an assignment due next week for a graphics class I'm taking and I have given the ability to use whatever language or windowing libraries I want, provided they are portable. The only condition is that we are required to use OpenGL. Well, I wrote the project initially using C with GLUT, and then after realizing that my C code is really sketch, and ported it to a more familiar environment C++/Qt.

OpenGL with Qt is not really a much different animal than with GLUT, but it seems like OpenGL integrates better with the interface in Qt. I'd like to also try out OpenGL with FxRuby and WxWidgets to get a better idea of how to work with both traditional GUI interfaces while adding OpenGL effects to the mix. The OpenGL page for Ruby has a lot of helpful tips.

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